Supported Living Lab

Hatching ideas and solutions together

In an Australian-first, NI has created a unique space to bring together people with disability living in supported accommodation for the sole purpose of reimagining their own services and support.

Known as the Supported Living Lab (SL/lab), the aim of the project is to work with people with disability to highlight what is important to them and co-design real change. Just like every home, supported accommodation homes are unique and reflect the people living there. Connections, dynamics and relationships between residents and staff can bring about issues and challenges which can often remain unresolved. Using a multidisciplinary approach, and an unwavering commitment to continually improve what matters most, SL/lab looks at problems from every angle including the obvious and the unseen.

Man in wheelchair, stirring food in a bowl, smiling.

This is achieved by bringing together people from disciplines and experiences as diverse as disability, design, dietetics, speech therapy and storytelling to put their collective creativity to identified issues such as:

Creating more meal choices for people living in supported accommodation, while maintaining health and safety.

Finding new ways for people with disability to communicate their needs and preferences.

SL/lab will see unconventional solutions being co-created by a collective of bright and imaginative people dedicated to achieving practical, authentic outcomes for people living in supported accommodation.